Hello My Name Is Alex Smith and i am aged 13 from Ilkley Grammar School in West Yorkshire And my blog is about my self and a turning over of a new leaf.
Here it is ....
Satisfying And Philosophical.
That's What i would call it.
Its funny until today I have always had away of dealing with school, and home. Not separate. My life at the moment revolves around school and friends. If I had A fall out with a friend or got full marks in a science test it would be the first and mostly the last thing to be thrown across the dinner table, and my parents way of dealing with it would always be positive and to make a witty remark or just congradulate me on the school day. There would be nothing i could say or do to change that and i don't intend to change it or want to. Its always nice to here positive feedback from your parents. I mean i would hate for your parents to be miserable old farts who only contribute to when you got a bad test result in maths and the contribution being " Oh well you should of done better i told you to revise!" Now i would HATE That. But i think my way of dealing with school and life has to be separate I cant always expect my parents to make a suggestion on how to deal with school and friends or how to get on with teachers after they have had a hard time at work or they have work to do i never thought about it until today. Maybe selfish in some poeples eyes. Its also interesting that if you got to know me well enough and i mean enough, that most of the time i am never satisfied with myself , what i have got or what i do And when I come to think of it there is no reason for me to be dissatisfied with everything, I got parents who care and love and most of all Know me, I have a sister you i can relate to talk to and she will be always there for no matter what. even when i use her speakers! I have a great house a great education SOME Good friends. And well what else is there to say! Today All my friends that i wanted to be with were being sad losers who hibernate in there rooms eyes glued to the TV with an awful stench of sweat and foot odour, plus piles upon piles or dirty plates that have been licked clean to save the last bit of strawberry jam from the tepid toast, plus glasses that look like they have been dipped in oil (which really is 12 day old ribena). That's how i imagine it anyway! So theres nothing to do inside or outside the house ok so........ My eyes become glued to the TV Then get two glasses of orange juice just so if i get thirsty after the first one. And just before i make some toast My mum and my 16 going on 24 sister offer me to go to Salts Mill (Art Gallery) This is what is going through My head: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Oh God if i say no i will just get a will once again get another lecture stating that I am not cultured enough (being in mind that i am only 13) and do not respect the true beauty of Art. God I cant face that! But wait isnt there a cafe? That sells FOOD!The car journey was tedious. My thoughts for salts mill were an old frail man with nothing better to do with his life than your half interested people round an art gallery I could hear the voive of gabby logan moaning on about some sporting british glory which probably was "Its fantastic 505 listeners we actually have a british team in the olyimpics!" I coudnt hear it probably thanks to my sisters ipod Jesus Christ what the hell does she listen to! Salts Mill Was.. What should i say......nice. No it was actually quite cool (especially the cafe)