Summer is usually the time of getting off school, having parties and also sleeping in late but what really gets on my nerves is the weather. Northern Irish people are the worst for warm weather. Once they see a tiny bit of sunshine, they crack out the three-quarter lengths, flip-flops and sunglasses.
I prefer the cold weather and having to wrap myself in a big woolly blanket.
I hate it when the weather is all hot and clammy and I have to sit in school.
It’s like sitting in a big oven and we can’t open up the windows!
This also brings to mind the most talked about subject of recent years, climate change. Waaaa! It’s these two words that have everyone out with their recycling bins on bin collection days.
This also brings to mind the most talked about subject of recent years, climate change. Waaaa! It’s these two words that have everyone out with their recycling bins on bin collection days.
I always nearly get knocked down by that recycling van every Monday!
It annoys me that the news organisations are only taking notice of climate change now.
It annoys me that the news organisations are only taking notice of climate change now.
Surely they knew all about the problem years ago.
In the part of Belfast where I live they are doing something about it. They will soon be installing solar panels in selected homes and also some thingymabobby or other to stop heat escaping from your house.
This is in an effort to cut down on electric and gas usage and thereby reducing our bills. Yippee.
The government should really stop and think just how they are going to make solar panels more cost friendly for working class people like myself ( though, I don’t have job and I hope I don’t get one ).
Unfortunately my house didn’t get selected for solar panels. I’m pretty unhappy about that as I had always dreamt of the day when I would get solar panels. I guess I must wait until I am older.
I also like the idea of wind turbines, they are pretty and remind me of the time I went to Amsterdam! That was a fun trip!
The government should really stop and think just how they are going to make solar panels more cost friendly for working class people like myself ( though, I don’t have job and I hope I don’t get one ).
Unfortunately my house didn’t get selected for solar panels. I’m pretty unhappy about that as I had always dreamt of the day when I would get solar panels. I guess I must wait until I am older.
I also like the idea of wind turbines, they are pretty and remind me of the time I went to Amsterdam! That was a fun trip!
Anyway - climate change matters to me because I’m a tree hugger and I like the environment. I want an electric car too!