Sonya Gorman (Headliners, 16)
Joseph Smyth (Headliners, 16)
People see Christmas as a chance to shop, drink and get fat. It should be about the love, but now it’s just a public stage for millions of big name corporations to broadcast propaganda on new merchandise to brainwash us further. But not us we haven’t fallen into the trap of other people telling us what Christmas is about (yet).
Christmas was once about a man in a green suit who helped people out of the centre of his heart. Now he has been transformed into a big, fat, jolly old man in a red suit that spreads coca cola to every child in sight rather than love.
Yeah, Christmas is fun, it’s a great time to have a laugh and get loads of presents but still the media creeps its way in and it’s kinda getting a bit boring now. People have there Christmas decorations up as soon as Halloween’s over. Then that’s when the Christmas spirit breaks out and you’re probably really sick of it by December.
We’re not a pair of Christmas haters; we just get fed up from time to time from all of this. Can we not just walk quietly down a street in the middle of summer without seeing all of these signs promoting the “Big Christmas Sale?”
So when that time of year comes again make sure that you spend it with you family, in December, and don’t get caught up in all of this advertising fiasco.
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