Hunterhouse College

So, most people have access to internet these days, and almost everyone who does is on some kind of social network.
It seems to appeal to everyone, no matter what age. But what is it that makes it so appealing?
You make a profile and it lets the world see you, people who you don’t know, seeing what age you are, where you live etc. And like you can add your friends and have a chat. But now its all about how many random strangers you can get on your profile to give you profile views. And bribe your friends to leave you luv.
Bebo seems to be the ‘in-thing’ at the moment. And to be honest it’s all a bit random. I’m pretty addicted to bebo, but why? I can’t really see anything particularly amazing about it...
So why is there like a million people from all over the world on it? And everyone says they hate it, so why don’t they delete they’re account? Why do we feel the need to have it? Does it fill up time cause we have nothing better to do than waste are time going through people’s profiles finding random people, and being a general ‘bebo stalker’, and going onto every bebo in sight, spending possibly hours at a time on it?
Maybe some people feel pressured because all the friends have it, they should have it too. But you aren’t actually missing out on anything if you don’t, cause like is it gonna be discussed at the lunch table who said what on bebo last night? Depends I guess but have you really nothing better to talk about? It’s a bit sad, and I’m talking on my own behalf, I’m on it every night at the moment, because I’m always on msn and when you get an email you automatically go on and see what its about. Which brings me to msn. I think it’s great, all you need to pay for is the internet bill and your away, add your mates email addresses and away you go. Talk your life away. So a conclusion? Does anyone actually meet up a talk like civilised people anymore? Or have a phone call? Nah. Go online, I’ll sit in front of my computer and act cool instead.
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