We have to do Technology until the end of 3rd year and then we get a choice to keep studying it or not. Personally, I hate technology. I think we should do it in 1st year and THEN decide to keep it on or not.
In my opinion it’s really pointless learning how to make a toy buggy. What’s the point? I’m never going to have to make one in the future. My employer is NEVER going to ask me ‘Did you pass Technology?’
I told my technology teacher this and she told me I would need it in later life. Never in my later life do I plan on making a buggy, key-ring, or a moving hook.
If you’re hopeless at Technology, like me, why do you still have to do it? I get why you have to do Maths and stuff, because that makes sense, being able to add and subtract.
The Theory to the subject is even more pointless. I couldn’t care less if a lever was balanced, or how much resistance is in a resistor. Out of my whole class (20 people), there is ONE person going one to do it at GCSE. ONE. What’s the point in making a class of 20 sit for 70 minutes of pure boredom each week, when ONE person is continuing it next year???
Technology is torture. The only result that comes out of technology is that we can stand and talk, until the teacher notices and makes you wire up your pointless project again, because you did it wrong the first 20 times. Can she not get the picture? Most of the 3rd Year population at Wellington College hate it. We should use the time for something interesting, like Drama or P.E. Not something stupid like technology.
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