Hunterhouse College

Why is it that time only goes fast when you’re having fun?
The worst time for time to go fast is when you’re having fun and the best time should be when you’re sitting in the most dreaded class that does nothing for you and does benefit you at all i.e. right now.
It has taken me only one minute to write this.
Another thing, why does my sleep just consist of one blink?
Why does time have to fly when the best part of the day begins – bedtime?
I like to cherish my sleep time but because it’s a blink I don’t even know I’ve fallen asleep.
Right, so I’m sitting in class right now mulling over what I’ve written and time is still taking itself.
Only six minutes have went by and I’m still ranting on how time is such a melt.
Ever get when the news comes on and there’s a good show on after, but they news decides to broadcast really monotonous stories therefore it takes longer?
These tend to be on politics.
Who really cares like?
I don’t know about yourself like but I’d rather watch Ann Robinson grief people for being themselves.
Kay so it’s 6:30pm by the time the news is over and the TV show you’ve been waiting on comes on.
You have a few laughs, blink and it’s over.
You then go and waste your life away on MSN and then you look at the clock, it’s now 9:30pm. I’m now officially a computer creep.
I am now MSN and BEBOED out to the max.
I then do the daily things like attempt homework and shower.
It’s now 10:30pm.
I MSN it again and go to bed and blink.
It’s now a new day…
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